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Lesley Cunningham

Name: Lesley Patterson

Role:  Healthy 4 Life Co-Ordinator

Qualifications BSC HONS Sport and Exercise Development, Level 2 Gym Instructor, Level 3 GP Referral, Chair Based Exercise, Working with children aged 3-15, Boxercise, Kids Boxercise, Kick Boxercise, Kettle Bells, Leadership in Running, Spin, Circuit Training, Free Style Fitness Yoga, Exercise to Music, Paracise, Mettafit

Favourite Exercise Class: Boxercise and Spin.

Favourite Sport: Running

Strengths:  Listening

Weakness: Sweeties

Previous Roles: Barclays Bank Cashier, Walk and Talk Instructor, Fit for the Future Co-Ordinator

Background: I love any form of sport or exercise - I will always give it 100% even if I am not very good at it.

Most memorable sporting events: Trials for England Netball Squad at 15. Representing my County at Netball, Tennis, Basketball, Cross Country. Getting a bronze medal in the 1999 Island Games for Basketball.

Most Proud of: My Mum, she is an amazing woman. She raised two daughters on her own and instilled into us that if you really want something you can have it but you have to work hard and nothing in life is free.